

I believe I must be growing up. No, not because I have been a responsible single mother for the past 6 years, nor because I graduated college (as a single mother) with a 3.66 GPA, or even because I don't feel the need to go out and party and drink -I'd much rather stay home and read a book (I'm pretty sure that just makes me boring though, not responsible).

Nope. I'm growing up because today I officially finished my first complete tube of chapstick. Though this may not seem like a big deal, I feel I should point out that I have NEVER finished a tube of chapstick before either losing it, getting it stuck in the fully exposed position after rolling it out too far, or mistakenly sending it through the spin and dry cycle (Warning: Cherry chapstik brand WILL leave cherry-scented red stains on your clothes).

I feel outrageously grown up right now.

All this maturity however, has not made me unwilling nor unwanting of complete revenge on baby's daddy and to break him and stupid bitch up. Much like a 2 year old I regularily throw temper tantrums about them buying a house 1 minute down the road and having to see her when I go to the supermarket. It doesn't help that he's quite possibly the biggest dickhead in the world and is still constantly trying to get me to have sex with him again but telling her would be futile since she's obviously stupider than dirt and would just stay with him anyways and I'd just look like an asshole for telling her. So instead, I just throw temper tantrums.

Also, I desperately wanted Dominoes breadsticks last week so the best man-friend in the world brought me some. Instead of the marinara sauce I requested the garlic butter dipping sauce. It was delicious. "I'd like to shout out man-friend. You're my favorite." (That was me on the make believe radio).

In other, completely un-related news, man-friend didn't seem incredibly interested in cuddling the other night. Odd.

And the kid is in t-ball which may be the cutest thing ever. Seriously, I have to fight off death-by-cutness everytime I watch them play.